Charcoal BBQs

If you love the authentic taste of BBQ and you favour flavour there are so many sizes and styles of charcoal BBQ from the kettle to the kamado to choose from at BBQ Barn your specialist BBQ shop.


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131 products

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Char-Griller Portable Charcoal Grill and Side fire boxChar-Griller Portable Charcoal Grill and Side fire box
Weber Compact Kettle Charcoal Barbecue  47cmWeber Compact Kettle Charcoal Barbecue  47cm
Weber Go-Anywhere Charcoal BarbecueWeber Go-Anywhere Charcoal Barbecue
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Char-Griller Kettle 57cmChar-Griller Kettle 57cm
Char-Griller Kettle 57cm Sale price£139.99
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Weber Compact Kettle Charcoal BBQ 57cmWeber Compact Kettle Charcoal BBQ 57cm
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THÜROS T1 stainless steel barbecueTHÜROS T1 stainless steel barbecue
Char-Griller WranglerChar-Griller Wrangler
Char-Griller Wrangler Sale price£159.99
Char-Griller Akorn Jr KamadoChar-Griller Akorn Jr Kamado
Char-Griller Akorn Jr Kamado Sale price£199.99
Char-Griller Pro DeluxeChar-Griller Pro Deluxe
Char-Griller Pro Deluxe Sale price£199.99
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Sahara Forge 61cm Charcoal BBQSahara Forge 61cm Charcoal BBQ
Char-Broil Charcoal Fusion M BBQChar-Broil Charcoal Fusion M BBQ
Save £36.00
Weber Master-Touch E-5750 Black 57cm GBSWeber Master-Touch E-5750 Black 57cm GBS
Weber Master-Touch E-5750 Black 57cm GBS Sale price£249.00 Regular price£285.00
THÜROS B2 Shashlik Tabletop BarbecueTHÜROS B2 Shashlik Tabletop Barbecue
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Ozpig Series 2Ozpig Series 2
Ozpig Series 2 Sale price£249.00
Weber Master-Touch GBS C-5750 Charcoal Barbecue 57cmWeber Master-Touch GBS C-5750 Charcoal Barbecue 57cm
Char-Griller Smokin' Pro™ Barrel Grill and Offset SmokerChar-Griller Smokin' Pro™ Barrel Grill and Offset Smoker
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Sahara Forge Host 61cm Charcoal BBQSahara Forge Host 61cm Charcoal BBQ
Char-Griller 30 inch Traditional Charcoal BBQChar-Griller 30 inch Traditional Charcoal BBQ
Sold outSave £16.50
Napoleon Professional 22 Charcoal KettleNapoleon Professional 22 Charcoal Kettle
Napoleon Professional 22 Charcoal Kettle Sale price£313.49 Regular price£329.99
Char-Broil Charcoal Fusion L BBQChar-Broil Charcoal Fusion L BBQ
Save £85.80
Char-Griller OutlawChar-Griller Outlaw
Char-Griller Outlaw Sale price£343.20 Regular price£429.00
Weber Master-Touch GBS Premium E-5775 Charcoal Barbecue 57cmWeber Master-Touch GBS Premium E-5775 Charcoal Barbecue 57cm
Save £124.81
Char-Griller Smokin Outlaw Charcoal BBQ and Offset SmokerChar-Griller Smokin Outlaw Charcoal BBQ and Offset Smoker
Char-Griller Smokin Outlaw Charcoal BBQ and Offset Smoker Sale price£443.19 Regular price£568.00